Dr. Nedra Rosen MD is a female internist in New York, NY with over 39 years of experience$1.Dr. Nedra Rosen MD has an overall patient experience rating of 4.3/5.0$1.Dr. Rosen graduated from New York Medical College in 1980. She is licensed to practice by the state board in New York 150246.

Get appointment information and hours of operation for Nedra Rosen, practicing Internal Medicine doctor in New York, NY.

Dr. Rosen, MD is a practicing Internist in New York, NY$1.Dr. Rosen graduated from New York Medical College in 1980 and has been in practice for 39 years. She completed a residency at Lenox Hill Hospital. She currently practices at SRB Associates and is affiliated with Lenox Hill Hospital Northwell.

Dr. Nedra Rosen is a physician based out of New York, New York and her medical specialization is Internal Medicine. She practices in New York, New York and has the professional credentials of M.D. The NPI Number for Dr. Nedra Rosen is 1467516245 and she holds a License No. 150246 New York.

Doctor Nedra Rosen is a Internal Medicine Specialist, schedule an appointment online for free or can contact by phone number, address and more.

As an internist, Dr. Nedra Rosen specializes in the primary care of adults through diagnosis and treatment of a range of conditions affecting many organ systems$1.Dr. Rosen also can refer patients to specialists when medically needed. For example, patients having serious breathing problems may be referred to a pulmonologist for additional.

Dr. Nedra Rosen, MD is a practicing Internal Medicine specialist in New York, NY. See contact information about Dr. Rosen patient ratings and reviews, experience and qualifications, insurances.

Detailed profile of Dr. Nedra Rosen, MD, a Internist - General New York NY. See insurances she accepts. Read ratings and reviews from other patients.

About NEDRA ROSEN. Nedra Rosen is a provider established in New York, New York and her medical specialization is internal medicine with more than 40 years of experience. The NPI number of Nedra Rosen is 1467516245 and was assigned on December 2006. The practitioner's primary taxonomy code is 207R00000X with license number 150246 NY. The.

Dr. Rosen: Nedra Rosen, MD is a general internist, board-certified in Internal Medicine who received her medical degree from New York Medical College in 1980. She was selected for membership into Alpha Omega Alpha, the medical honor society, and graduated in the top 10 % of her class. She also received the American Medical Women’s Association.